11 GROUPS Doing The Work™️
The way some people talk, you would think the Midwest was melanin-less and the South was stuck in tree sap. But the truth is, the kids are alright, hunnnny! “We” goes harder than “I”—and these organizations will help you and yours go deeper than big box activism. Don’t be found without a clue: get to know who’s who in these organizing streets.

The Black Futures Lab commissioned the largest census of Black people in decades (and decades). Like, since Reconstruction. They’re really out here for Black lives and that should come as no surprise. Black Futures Lab is led by Alicia Garza, one of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter. Boom!

Forget what you heard: ‘Florida Man’ is on the run. The Sunshine State is home to some of the most gutter activists you’ll ever meet. The Dream Defenders came of age following the murder of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida. “The Dream Defenders is organizing Black and Brown youth to build power in our communities to advance a new vision we have for the state.” You really just can’t say it more plainly than that.

The organizing all-stars of Mijente excel in “say it with your WHOLE chest” activism, and truly, would you have it any other way? “We are a political home for Latinx and Chicanx people who seek racial, economic, gender and climate justice.” Mijente doesn’t organize for a single issue because they know none of us live single-issue lives. Snaps to THAT!

We still can’t believe it’s controversial to say it, but: BLACK LIVES MATTER. Full stop. The Movement for Black Lives makes good on this basic truth by working to build power in season and out of season, whether we’re a trending hashtag or not. This arm of the Black Lives Matter movement is a coalition of more than 50 organizations working day in and out on behalf of all Black communities.

The New Georgia Project is focused, mayne. They know that we’re already major. They also know that every year is an election year, and so they focus year-round on registering voters and turning out our communities in full force. “We meet new voters where they are – in churches, on college campuses, in their neighborhoods – to share information about how to register and how to vote.”

“The Midwest Got Something To Say!” And, indeed, the organizers of Ohio Student Association are some of the coolest kids you’ll find building power for Ohioans. Whether you’re a student, or a suuuuper senior looking to get into organizing, the organization is home to leaders between the ages of 18-35. Get in where you fit in, and make it happen for the people!

“SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective was formed in 1997 by 16 organizations of women of color from four mini-communities (Native American, African American, Latina, and Asian American) who recognized that we have the right and responsibility to represent ourselves and our communities, and the equally compelling need to advance the perspectives and needs of women of color.” Sistersong is really out here for reproductive justice. Sistersong defines Reproductive justice as “the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities. In other words: “reproductive justice” is about doing whatever the hell you decide to do with your own body because it’s your own business, and who gon’ check you, Boo?

“SONG is a home for LGBTQ liberation across all lines of race, class, abilities, age, culture, gender, and sexuality in the South. We build, sustain, and connect a southern regional base of LBGTQ people in order to transform the region through strategic projects and campaigns developed in response to the current conditions in our communities.”
We 👏🏾 love 👏🏾 to 👏🏾 see 👏🏾 it 👏🏾! If you thought the family wasn’t representing all over the South, well babes, you thought oh-so-very wrong. Not only are we out here thriving, but building power that’s interested in liberation for allllllllllll of us. ALL. OF. US. Some folks don’t seem to understand that….won’t name no names for now...
That’s another post for another time. 🙃

Too many of the conversations we’re having about Black trans women and gender non-conforming people of color lives are exactly that—about them. Support the power building work Black trans women and gender non-conforming folks of color are leading right now. “TWOCC seeks to shift the narrative of surviving to thriving in our communities. We strive to build economic empowerment and global networks that connect rural communities with suburban enclaves, inner city youth with elders, donors with Black trans entrepreneurs, healers with those seeking to be whole and collaborators with agitators.” Go ahead and baptize me in this. Exactly this.

These are scary, evil fucking times. Plain and simple. But United We Dream is focused on transforming “that fear into finding your voice.” Love that. The UWD squad centers immigrant youth-led activism at every level of government, no matter what your immigration status is. Do you want to put a stop to deportations? Bet. You want to support the mental health of the community? They’ve got you. With more than 400,000 members, you’re in good company.

Who among us wouldn’t do what it takes for The D? Detroit Action puts in work for working people from the Detroit metro region. Protect the vote. Fight for climate justice. Reimagine safety for everyone in our communities. “Detroit Action is a union of Black and Brown, low and no-income, homeless and housing insecure Detroiter fighting for housing and economic justice. Our organization is a grassroots and member-led, multigenerational, community-based organization fighting for real political power.”